Middle Lewis River Falls, WA

How to Move On With Your Life: Quit Your Parental Guilt

"My new schedule is going to be 5 days on, 5 days off!  It'll be like a long weekend every other week, Papa.  J and I are thinking of getting a camper too.. maybe go on those national park trips we've been talking about.  There's so much out here in the Pacific Northwest." "Mmm hmm..." … Continue reading How to Move On With Your Life: Quit Your Parental Guilt

Badlands, South Dakota

How I’m Plotting My Escape From Medicine

I just spent the entire morning planning my escape from medicine.

I don't even know how the ball started rolling, but I found myself lost in the math trying to figure exactly how little I needed to live on.  I've long known the 4% rule - if you can live off of 4% of your total investments, you could presumably retire.

Are you good on $40,000/year?  Your number = $1,000,000.

What could I cut back on to get to my personal number?

Introducing My First 30 Day Challenge: Restocking My Joy Fund via Instagram

How will I restock my joy fund?

I'm going to start by finding joy and gratitude daily.

And because I'm a sucker for goal oriented achievements - this is how I'm going to do it → 30 Day Challenge: Restocking My Joy Fund

In an effort of accountability, I'm going document my journey on Instagram - come join me HERE.

Mag Aso Falls, Kabankalan, Philippines

Why Most Resolutions Fail

How many of us set goals and resolutions coming at it from the wrong angle?

How many of us have stared at ourselves in the mirror, pulled on that pooch and said, "Eww... gross.  I'm such a fat slob.  I need to work on this"?  Who else has lost themselves continuously scrolling and clicking on random things on the internet, to emerge hours later feeling unaccomplished and regret laden for not having gone to the gym instead/read that book you've always wanted to/spend time with your friends and family?  We think to ourselves, "Here you go again.. just wasting your life away.  Why can't you be better?"

We walk away setting goals with the best intentions, but in the process chip away at our self-worth leaving nothing but a self that is broken and beyond repair.

Another Sunset in Panama City Beach, FL

When Being an Overachiever is Ruining Your Life

Everyone has that one friend who's just winning at life.  The one who has all their stuff together - the perfect job, the Pinterest worthy home, chairs some impressive committee and yet still finds time to volunteer at the local shelter.  They glide through life with ease and grace - no word is ever misspoken, nothing is ever out of place and you're pretty sure they are part of the gorgeous I woke up like this tribe.

Recently, I realized I'm that friend for some people.  And quite honestly, that horrified me so much I was inspired to drop some knowledge here.

Failure diary: Workin’ on my fitness

One of my first attempts to claw my way out of my downward spiral was through fitness and goal setting.  “Exercise is good for you”, I told myself.  How hypocritical would it be of me to prescribe diet and exercise to my patients, and when I started feeling bleh, that would be the first thing to be thrown out of my life.  I had felt so good after completing my 3 x 10k’s for my 30th year, but that was already done.  What else could I reach for that would also add to that sense of accomplishment?

Easy - clearly the next step was a half marathon. ...