Badlands, South Dakota

How I’m Plotting My Escape From Medicine

I just spent the entire morning planning my escape from medicine. I don't even know how the ball started rolling, but I found myself lost in the math trying to figure exactly how little I needed to live on.  I've long known the 4% rule - if you can live off of 4% of your total investments, you could presumably retire. Are you good on $40,000/year?  Your number = $1,000,000. What could I cut back on to get to my personal number?

Introducing My First 30 Day Challenge: Restocking My Joy Fund via Instagram

How will I restock my joy fund? I'm going to start by finding joy and gratitude daily. And because I'm a sucker for goal oriented achievements - this is how I'm going to do it → 30 Day Challenge: Restocking My Joy Fund In an effort of accountability, I'm going document my journey on Instagram - come join me HERE.

Photo by Li Yang on Unsplash

How to Survive Medical School and Residency in 10 Ways

The last week has been a little surreal. My KevinMD post: Should we encourage people to go into medicine went viral in a way I hadn't anticipated with more than 2000 shares! It's been a roller coaster of conflicting emotions: Happiness that my writing resonated with so many people Horror that someone called me a "thought leader" for the millennial generation Guilt for making people in med school/residency aware of their regret for going into medicine

Angel's Rest, OR

Is It Time To Join the Drop Out Club?

"You're all F****** idiots!!!  I'm going to report Dr. M to the state board and get her medical license revoked!  You're just after our money, trying to make us come back to get re-examined again!  You've just lost four patients, you F****** M************!!! ... To repeat this message, press 7." I sighed, handing the phone back to my medical assistant. "Well... I guess just try to document that in a phone encounter and censor it a bit.  We still need it for the patient's chart.  Also, don't delete the message." It's time to face the music.  This is my new normal.

Falls Creek Falls, WA in the Spring

A Primary Care Doctor’s Husband’s Solution to Burnout: Just Care Less

When I went into primary care, I had dreams of being able to prevent disease.  I had dreams of doing my part to help this broken, expensive healthcare system - chronic diseases directly attributable to obesity make up 80% of healthcare spending in the US.  If I could just catch deadly habits before they caused harm and set people on a better course, I could do so much good, I told myself. What I didn't take into account was for this to work, the people I took care of would need to also buy into this dream.