Taking a breather on Dog Mountain, Washington

A Third Life Crisis: What Would You Regret the Most?

We have been conditioned to think of work as the end all, be all of life. But if you were to ask people what they regret the most at the end of life as Bronnie Ware had, they would say this: I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. I wish I hadn’t worked so hard. I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings. I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends. I wish that I had let myself be happier. What are we doing with our lives?

Badlands, South Dakota

How I’m Plotting My Escape From Medicine

I just spent the entire morning planning my escape from medicine. I don't even know how the ball started rolling, but I found myself lost in the math trying to figure exactly how little I needed to live on.  I've long known the 4% rule - if you can live off of 4% of your total investments, you could presumably retire. Are you good on $40,000/year?  Your number = $1,000,000. What could I cut back on to get to my personal number?

Introducing My First 30 Day Challenge: Restocking My Joy Fund via Instagram

How will I restock my joy fund? I'm going to start by finding joy and gratitude daily. And because I'm a sucker for goal oriented achievements - this is how I'm going to do it → 30 Day Challenge: Restocking My Joy Fund In an effort of accountability, I'm going document my journey on Instagram - come join me HERE.

Angel's Rest, OR

Is It Time To Join the Drop Out Club?

"You're all F****** idiots!!!  I'm going to report Dr. M to the state board and get her medical license revoked!  You're just after our money, trying to make us come back to get re-examined again!  You've just lost four patients, you F****** M************!!! ... To repeat this message, press 7." I sighed, handing the phone back to my medical assistant. "Well... I guess just try to document that in a phone encounter and censor it a bit.  We still need it for the patient's chart.  Also, don't delete the message." It's time to face the music.  This is my new normal.